Protocol Overview

Protocol Overview

Irys enables smart contracts to reliably access the entirety of onchain data, ensuring all network participants have the data needed to reach consensus. One of the key challenges is maintaining access to this data for all participants.

Irys operates on the principle that a storage protocol capable of making commitments about the data uploaded to it is more useful than one that cannot. When data is uploaded to Irys, the headers are included in the next block, and the actual data is uploaded to miners afterward. This method maintains network efficiency while supporting large data uploads.

However, separating headers from data can create permanent gaps in the ledger if the promised data is not uploaded, leading to cascading issues throughout the system.

Irys addresses these challenges through a combination of innovative designs:

Efficient Sampling

Enables economical storage scaling with a 24-hour sampling window for 16TB HDDs.

Fast Matrix Packing

Combined with staked mining addresses, enables incentive-compatible packing that scales horizontally, reduces packing costs, and increases the network's ability to ingest data.

Capacity Mining

Allows pre-packing of empty capacity partitions for efficient data ingress.


End users can easily verify onchain which mining addresses are storing their data. Matrix Unpacking is cross-platform and can be done on consumer hardware, even in a browser.


Proof of Work + Staking

Combines efficient sampling of PoW with economic deterrents inherent in staking and slashing, to ensure secure and scalable data storage and execution.

Multiple Ledgers

Allows the protocol to:

  • Make commitments about published data
  • Provide reliable access for the execution layer by managing data upload and storage proofs

Irys’ VM enables Programmable Data where smart contracts can access the entirety of onchain data.

Protocol Treasury

More than just an endowment, Irys's treasury:

  • Covers storage liabilities
  • Participates in yield-bearing activities