Why Irys Exists

Why Irys Exists

Irys was born out of a need to address the fundamental issues plaguing current data storage solutions. As the demand for more efficient, scalable, and decentralized applications grows, the limitations of existing systems become increasingly apparent. We identified several key problems that needed solving to unlock the full potential of onchain data:

Inefficient and Complex Onchain Data

Current storage solutions are fragmented and inefficient, causing bottlenecks in data verification and management. Developers often have to juggle multiple systems, leading to higher costs and increased development time, making it challenging to create, maintain, and scale applications effectively. There is a need for a unified solution that simplifies development and enhances the developer experience.

Limited Programmable Data Capabilities

Existing datachains typically separate storage from execution, severely limiting the ability to create applications that interact with data in real-time. This separation restricts the range of web services feasible to exist onchain, ultimately reducing the usefulness of onchain data and the blockspace it occupies.

Centralization Risks

Many existing datachains have inherent centralization problems. When a few entities control a large percentage of the network, it compromises the security and trustworthiness of the entire system. Centralized control makes the network more vulnerable to attacks, manipulation, and censorship. It also creates a single point of failure, which contradicts the decentralized ethos that aims to distribute power and ensure resilience.

Unpredictable and High Costs

Onchain data storage costs can be unpredictable and high, making it challenging for developers to budget and plan their projects. This financial uncertainty deters many potential builders from bringing data-reliant web services onchain. Fluctuating costs and unexpected fees create a barrier to entry, particularly for smaller projects and startups. This volatility in pricing not only hampers innovation but also makes long-term planning nearly impossible.